Sausages & Burgers

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Sausages are massively popular with our customers, which is no surprise as they are so easy to cook and packed with great taste.

Fat ones, thin ones, juicy Cumberland, luscious Lincolnshire and yummy Yorkshire sausages are a staple part of the weekly food shop for most households.

A key component of the traditional English breakfast, the humble sausage is equally at home on your dinner plate alongside mash and gravy or surrounded by batter in a glorious Toad in the Hole.  Chuck it on the BBQ and it’s a perfect summer sizzler.

So, why do we call them bangers? According to the English Breakfast Society this dates back to war time when they had a habit of them bursting open while cooking. This was attributed to the cheap fillers used at the time in the sausage mix when meat rations were scarce and the extra fat made them more likely to explode.

The sausage’s BBQ buddy, the burger, is popular all year round served in a bun with chips on the side for anyone with a healthy appetite. We pair pork and apple for a tasty alternative to our popular beef burger.

In the Battle of the Butchers at the 2024 Great Yorkshire Show, our Mexican Truffle Burger triumphed as Best Innovative Burger – don’t miss it!